How QR Code works
Full name Quick Response Code. An integral part of our daily lives in the present age. Corona has made this code even more popular by using it for money laundering, avoiding contamination during extortion.

This QR code is used not only for exchanging money, but also for various other activities like restaurant menu, train, buying plane ticket etc.
In 1994, Masahiro Hara, an engineer with the Japanese company Denso Wave, invented the QR code. Initially, it was used to store information when building cars.
But its ability to read faster and retain more information than ordinary bar codes makes it popular outside the car industry.
The function of QR code and bar code is almost the same. Both are capable of storing information on any product. Bar codes can only store information on a horizontal axis. QR codes, on the other hand, can store data on both vertical and horizontal axes. As a result, more information can be kept in one place. That is why it is more acceptable.
The function of QR code and bar code is almost the same. Both are capable of storing information on any product. Bar codes can only store information on a horizontal axis. QR codes, on the other hand, can store data on both vertical and horizontal axes. As a result, more information can be kept in one place. That is why it is more acceptable.
Although we can easily read the numbers 0-9, it is not easy for the computer. Bar codes store various information in symbolic letters through white and black spots of different widths. The bar code affixed to a product in a store is basically the ID assigned to that product. Even if the bar code is damaged or obscured, it is not impossible for the device to read it.
The QR code consists of a number of black squares arranged on a square grid with a white background. Which can be read with an imaging device like a camera. The app needed to read this code is on our smartphone.
The information in a QR code is a series of dots on a square grid. Each point represents one in binary code and each blank space represents zero. These grids collect a set of numbers, characters, or both, along with the URL, in symbolic characters. The smallest grid has 21 rows and 21 columns and the largest grid has 16 columns and 18 rows. In most cases, QR codes are created using black squares on a white background which makes it easier to identify each point separately.
When a person scans a code, the QR reader of his phone’s camera decodes the code. As a result, the information stored in that code triggers a process on your phone. If the QR code contains a URL, then your phone will present the URL to you. This time the finger will open the URL in your mobile browser.
The Chinese company ‘Alipe’ started using the first QR code for money exchange in 2011. Within a few days, it became popular in China.
Money transactions through QR codes are quite easy. All you have to do is upload all the bank related information once in the app through which you will send money. The consumer does not need to find out all the details of his bank during each transaction.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) launched ‘BharatQR’ in 2016. It is made by National Payment Corporation, MasterCard and Visa. In 2016, ‘BharatQR’ was released for public use.
QR codes are not generally dangerous. But the information stored in the code can sometimes become dangerous.
Suppose a code contains a malicious link. Now if you click on that link it may take you to a suspicious website. Malware may enter your mobile or tab from that website. Even if you click on the link, all your information can go to a hacker. You have to be careful. You need to see if the link you are clicking on in that QR code is trustworthy.
Many times the app used to scan the QR code may have a vulnerability that could cause your phone or tab to be hacked. This problem can only be caused by scanning the QR code. You do not even have to click on the link. To avoid this risk, you should use the trusted app provided by the smartphone maker to scan your QR code.